
Panevezys Training Centre, the Project Coordinator, provides vocational training programs at formal and informal level, adjusted to the demands and the needs both of learners and the market.
Its vision is focused on the following aims:
– to offer modern vocational training and high quality services both to people and to companies;
– to anticipate market demands;
– to foster new approach, introducing crucial topics both for education and economy;
– to effectively respond to the learners’ needs;
– to pay attention to the development of the local area;
– to use modern technologies in providing training;
– to employ high qualified and experienced staff.
This methodology allows PTC to implement and offer flexible vocational training programs, adjusted to the demands and needs both of the learners and the market; to contribute to EU and Lithuanian policies; to foster smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.
In 2013 PTC received the award for generating highest continual value and quality project. In 2019 institutions’ mobility project was nominated for the highest quality project award in VET sector. In 2020 PTC coordinated project “The Ability advisor: improving the tourism for all market by VET” got award as the highest quality project in VET sector in Lithuania. In 2021 project TAD got European Innovative Teaching Award.
Visit Panevėžys PMC website
Visit Vaida Sinkevičienė LinkedIn profile (Project Manager at Panevėžys PMC)

Bluebook is a SME with a specific expertise in social communication and training research. Bluebook has an “unusual” profile in the context of the business world, according to the fact that it has always dealt with social issues and collaborated with the educational sector and the Third Sector.
Its activities in the field of social communication are focused, mainly, on the following topics:
1. Long life learning, as a tool for empowerment and personal fulfilment
2. Corporate social responsibility
3. Accessible communication and information: “information provided in formats that allow every user and learner to access content ‘on an equal basis with others”- UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – UNCRPD
4. Graphic design and editing applying accessible communication principles
5. Use of OER as a learning tool for everyone
6. Risks and opportunities of digital media for learning, social communication and interpersonal…

ENAT is a non-profit association for organisations that aim to be ‘frontrunners’ in the study, promotion, and practice of accessible tourism in Europe.
ENAT works to develop and share knowledge and expertise on accessibility issues in the European tourism field and to promote accessible tourism around the world. It develops vocational training curricula and programmes and accredited courses for tourism and hospitality students and professionals.

The Escola Superior d’Hostaleria de Barcelona is a private, non-profit foundation, created in 1985 under the initiative of the Gremi de Restauració and the Gremi d’Hotels de Barcelona due to the need to provide qualified professionals in the various branches of catering and hospitality, as well as retraining for working professionals, implementing a new training system “based on skills development and the acquisition of habits, attitudes and values.”
It has become one of Spain’s most representative Culinary Arts, Restaurant Service, Sommelier, Restaurant Management and Hotel Management School.
The aim of the School has been, since its beginning, the training of future hospitality and food and beverage service professionals, both in the field of theoretical knowledge such as in techniques, habits and attitudes.
To accomplish these objectives, the school has a team of teachers and professionals with extensive experiences and facilities designed for the specific professional education.
To answer to the need for a professionalised educational model in constant contact with the real world of the sector, the school has two restaurants (L’Escola and L’Ham) used by teachers and students as application areas opened to the public.
These restaurants are a way to display our students’ knowledge and training at the highest level.
Every year the school trains more than 600 students in culinary and pastry arts, restaurant and hotel service, hotel management, hotel cleaning, cocktail, and sommelier courses.

HOTREC is a non-profit organisation registered in Belgium as an AISBL, with its seat in Brussels. HOTREC is the business association, representing the interests of hotels, restaurants, cafes, and similar establishments in Europe.
The members of HOTREC are national associations of hotels and restaurants, coming not only from the EU, but also from other European countries, currently covering 45 National hotel and restaurant associations from 33 countries.
HOTREC’s mission is to promote the interests of the hospitality industry, especially in the European policy making process, but also to facilitate the exchange of best practices among its members and to foster their cooperation on different issues, whenever needed.
This is achieved by informing the members about different developments through internal meetings, policy papers and newsletters, coordinating members’ views and positions and presenting them to the European institutions, other stakeholders as well as to the general public.
HOTREC is also the official social partner in the framework of the European Commission social dialogue for the hospitality sector.
HOTREC is monitoring, by the nature of the industry it represents, activities of the European institutions and other stakeholders on a wide range of policy areas, like social affairs, consumer affairs, digital policy, hygiene and food related issues, taxation matters, etc. and also of course accessibility.

Incipit Consulting Soc. Coop. is a company formed by a team of six professionals who have been operating in the field of Tourism research, consulting, and training since the mid ’80s.
Incipit Consulting offers training services as well research, consulting and technical assistance on the main topics regarding the tourism sector:
– Territorial analysis, market research and tourism observatories;
– Destination marketing and management;
– Sustainable tourism planning and development;
– Tourism management of cultural heritage;
– Accessible tourism;
– Marketing and management for tourism businesses;
– Information Technology application to tourism businesses and destination;
– Revenue Management;
– Customer Relationship Management;
– Travel and tourism distribution;
– Tourism legislation, contracts, and consumer protection.
Incipit training, mainly addressed to managers and staff in private and public organisations, offers vocational and managerial courses, together with postgraduate and higher education courses in collaboration with universities.

Premiki – Institute for counselling, promotion and development of accessible tourism Ljubljana was established in 2009 to aid people with specific needs, especially those with mental health issues, in the field of work rehabilitation process. Having work means integration into the work environment process, preservation and development of skills, social inclusion, and economic independence.
In 2010 Premiki acquired the current status of a tourist agency, specialising in accessible tourism. We provide tourist services for people with various specific needs, who need an accessible service or a travel arrangement.
For this innovative approach in tourism Premiki was awarded the prestigious Ulysses award in 2011 by the World Tourism Organization of the United Nations. But we do not operate in an accessible sphere exclusively, a large part of our business is similar to other travel agencies, thus, we create tourism for all.
Premiki has been participating in numerous European projects with partners from several European countries. The projects share some recurring ideas: improving opportunities for people with specific needs to enjoy free time in a satisfying manner, creating work positions for people with lesser employability, raising public awareness of accessible tourism and accessibility in general. Furthermore, cooperation among project partners, exchange of information, experiences and good practices to improve the quality of human resources in the tourist industry is another goal, which is still to be achieved through education and vocational training of tourist providers and employees.
Underlined by non-profit organisation principles, the Premiki activities have positive effects on the employees, the customers and the community. If you decide to travel with us, you make a socially responsible purchase. All the profits go back to the promotion and development of accessible tourism.

Wattajob is a privately held company with the mission to support innovation and new digital environments in schools, companies and public administration.
All targets are presently facing key change management issues connected with the digitalization challenge, which brings about new learning and working mindsets.
The company’s enlarged team is specialized in the design, production, implementation and deliver of both consultancy activities (mainly in change management projects) and training sessions. These innovative activities are focused on the soft skills, that are more and more indispensable in the digital era:
– collaboration
– communication
– change management
– problem solving
– team alignment
As far as consultancy is concerned, it cooperates with major companies to help them deliver effective change management projects, designs workshops and training sessions with different tools among which Lego Serious Play and blended learning tools.
To support its hybrid approach, Wattajob created the web app “The Smart Side – Education Edition”, which provides contents, case histories, exercises and tailor-made games to support soft skills in the digital workplace.